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Cisco 3640 DRAM 32MB / Flash 8MB / IOS 12.0(4) 本体のみ カバーなし
Cisco 3640です。 写真の通り、BRIモジュール(NM-8B-S/T)が2枚、増設されています。 商品は、中古品となります。 詳しくは以下の情報をご覧ください。 Router#show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-D-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 29-Apr-99 14:47 by kpma Image text-base: 0x600088F0, data-base: 0x60854000 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(19)AA, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Router uptime is 2 minutes System restarted by power-on System image file is "flash:c3640-d-mz_120-4_T.bin" cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 28672K/4096K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 10131499 R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0 Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. Basic Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1. 16 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s) DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled. 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) Configuration register is 0x101 さらに詳細な点については、下記のサイトから該当するマニュアルをご参照ください。 http://www.cisco.com/japanese/warp/public/3/jp/service/manual_j/index_rt_salesend.shtml#3600
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